Your Child Doesn’t Like to Read. Now What?

With our first son, we read a book every night. He loved books and one was never enough. We found as he got older and started reading on his own, the love went away. He no longer wanted to read or even try. Sometimes I wondered if always reading to him hurt things. He wanted the easy route and didn’t want to do it himself.

Now, after four kids I realized that it really is a personality thing. It’s great if you read to them when they are young and it’s great to get them involved with books early but, their personality is going to dictate a lot about how they feel about independent reading.

Here are some of my best tips on how to support independent reading as kids get older and find themselves.

Have Books They Like

This one seems obvious but, it’s accurate. If you don’t have books that they like, they really won’t want to read. I love going through the Scholastic flyers that come home and letting them circle the books they are interested in. Did we accumulate hundreds of books, yes. It is so worth it, and you can always donate later. Everyone wants books!

Tip: Be sure that you involve them in the process of choosing the books you buy. Maybe not all but, at least the majority. Here is a post with our 10 favorites.

Some kid favorites!

Create a Reading Nook

Create a space in your home or their room that is a comfy reading place. You can include things like a little chair, bean bag, pillows, a bookcase, and even a lamp. This allows them to have a place to go for reading time. It’s comfy and cozy and has all the books they love.

Tip: This place should be free of electronics, like a TV or computer.

Kid’s Reading Nook

Block Reading Time for Them

If you don’t make the time for them to read, they usually won’t. Well, unless they just truly love it. They have homework time and down time and chore time. Make room for reading time. Even if it’s during down time or only 15 minutes. Any little bit helps and gets them in a schedule. That way they know it is a must do and don’t try to negotiate their way out of it.

Tip: Start slow. Just a few days a week for 10-15 minutes works well and use a timer.

Schedule some time!

Get a Library Card

This can be a fun way to get them involved in picking their own books. The library is amazing to kids. They can find anything they will ever need and it’s an experience. Then they get to have their own card, learn to take care of their books, and it becomes a privilege.

Tip: Make it a big deal to get a library card. It will be a special day for them and create a memory.

Kids love the library!

Set the Example

Lastly, be the example they can follow. Take time to read a good book and make sure they see you taking that time. Kids just want to be like you and follow you. Sometimes you just have to set an example for them to follow. Plus, it will give you some time. Again, only if it’s ten minutes.

Tip: If your book is kid approved, talk to them about what you are reading and why you like it or even start a little family book club.

Best of luck in your reading journey.

Check out my post on when you should let your child play Roblox. That seems to come soon after they learn to read…

-Kristy M., Mommy to Many

One comment

  1. I love these tips! I told myself I wanted to raise readers and I did and used many of these tricks along the way! Finding the right kind of book is so important to making them great readers!

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