Proven Tips on How to Pack for Family Travel

a woman packing her suitcase
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

Packing for a family trip, with the kids, can be beyond stressful. You don’t want to forget to pack anything, and you want it to be as organized as possible. We have done this well over 50 times, with our family of six, and found some really great hacks along the way. So, I figured I should share some of our best tips!

First, don’t pack it all in one bag!

If you are staying the night somewhere before your final destination, pack a separate bag for that portion of your trip. The last thing you want to do is unload all of your luggage at a hotel for a 12 hour stay. So, pack a hotel bag with a change of clothes, pajamas, and a swimsuit for everyone. If you are like us, you like to stop where there’s a pool to burn off some of that kid car energy!

Pack the toiletry bag separate. Don’t try to fit it all in with your clothes. When you travel with kids, you typically want to pack medicines, first aid items, their soaps, and so on. We use a small carry on to pack all the toiletries, along with diapers, wipes, and accessories. Then, you can also just unload this and the hotel bag when you stop.

If you can, let the kids pack a fun bag or backpack. This is the bag where they put their fun items, electronics, and toys. Let them pack their favorite dolls, stuffed animal, books, tablet, earphones, and coloring supplies. That way they have their favorites, can be entertained, and it is easy to find. They usually don’t mind carrying this one themselves.

If you are riding in the car to your destination, don’t forget your snack bag. There should be a bag or cooler dedicated to snacks and beverages for the ride. Stopping at gas stations not only creates more stops, but it can also get expensive. So, grab all their yummy travel snacks in your weekly grocery order and pack them for the ride.

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Now for the Actual Packing…

Let me just start with packing cubes. These are literally the best packing organizational hack ever. They keep your luggage organized and make it so easy when you get to your destination. We use them to pack one kid in each cube. Then when we get to our destination, they can take “their” cube out and have all their clothes in one place. You can get a variety of sizes and colors too.

packing cubes in suitcase
Packing Cubes in Suitcase

Pick the right toiletry bag. For many years, I used gallon freezer bags and various toiletry bags. When I switched to a couple hanging toiletry bags, I asked myself why I didn’t do this a long time ago. They make them in all different sizes, colors, and variations. Get a hanging one though! They easily hang on the back of a door and are life savers. We prefer to pack one for the kids and one for the adults.

toiletry bag hanging up
Hanging Toiletry Bag

Get some hard-shell luggage that rolls in various directions. We never had this until last year and I am still kicking myself. We had soft luggage and it got crushed every time we traveled. When you pack for a family, your luggage always hits the max capacity and is heavy! With these suitcases, your kids can easily help push them too.

luggage ready to pack in car
Luggage Bags

Roll it up! It really does give you more space and help you keep your outfits together. Take the bottom and top and tightly roll it like a burrito. You can utilize all of the space in the suitcase this way. For kids, it also helps them not have to rummage through everything to pick an outfit!

rolled clothes in a suitcase
Rolled Clothes in Suitcase

A Couple Other Tips…

  • Use a packing list. Packing lists can really be helpful and there are so many out there. Print one out from pinterest or use an app to help you along the way.
  • Don’t wait until last minute. Do what you can early. That will help reduce your stress and not forget things.
  • Get the kids involved. Let them help with their clothes or their fun bag if you can. That way they have a part in it and get excited for the trip.
  • Check the weather. Be sure to check the weather so that you know what type of clothing you need. With a family, you don’t have a ton of space for options. Pack what you need.
  • Limit your color selection. If you can stick to the same color family, you can mix and match your outfits or reduce shoe options.

Obviously, different types of vacations require different types of packing. For example, we have a cruise essentials bag that we pack for cruises. But in general, these tips have helped us prepare for many trips. I hope that they will help you too. Happy packing and, remember, you can buy the minor stuff. Just don’t forget the major stuff!

There are many other great travel posts on From cruising to camping, there are some great tips for family travel. Comment with some great tips you have learned in your family journeys.

-Kristy M., Mommy to Many


  1. […] Packing smart not only helps you stay organized but also saves you from unnecessary expenses. Check the baggage policies of your airline and pack efficiently to avoid excess baggage fees. Consider bringing essential items from home, such as snacks and toiletries, instead of buying them at inflated prices during your trip. […]